People like us have a responsibility* to keep the world alive, to give folks a taste of the extraordinary. In fact, it's the most powerful tool in all of reality. “I got to where I am through the force of pure willpower, kid. For now, just keep striving for excellence in everything you do.”

“There's more to this world than meets the eye, kid. “Some things transcend time and space, kid. It's always within your power to go one step further than you used to believe.” “Set your eyes on the furthest star, and let that be your goal. I'm always behind the curtain, making sure the show is interesting. “Keep working hard and maybe you'll end up like me someday.” Settle for nothing less than excellence in everything you do.” “Never stop striving to achieve perfection. Don't tell anyone about this place, okay? I want to keep it. Of course, I had to make it a little difficult so you'd have an incentive to achieve excellence.” Qi can be found at the Casino during the Oasis' open hours and in his walnut room during the entire day. Players cannot give gifts to raise friendship points with Mr. It is revealed when the player talks to him that he was the one who put the chests in The Mines. Upon completing these challenges, the player will be rewarded with Qi Gems. Here, he will give the player special Qi challenges. He also can be found on Ginger Island in his walnut room, once the player has obtained 100 Golden Walnuts. He can be found inside the Casino whenever it is open. After the quest is complete the bouncer will move aside to allow the player to enter. To gain access to the Casino players must complete the quest line "The Mysterious Qi". He operates the Casino which is located behind Sandy's store, the Oasis, in the Calico Desert. He is connected to the empty box at the train station. Qi is a mysterious stranger who is first encountered when the player puts a battery pack into the lock-box in the tunnel. The key to discovering it would be higher levels in relationships among villagers.“I was born an ordinary boy, but I made a decision early in life that I would become extraordinary.” Discovering who the daughter is will be up to the player's hands. If players are keen enough and followed each villagers' stories, The Wizard and the Witch, actually had a daughter. To avoid spoilers, it is a blueprint that helps players' farms improve. The quest is done by giving the quest item to the Wizard. Once obtained, straight towards the magic circle or sigil, which teleports the player directly in the cellar of the Wizard's house. Inside the house will be the Magic Ink, which is located on the table to the left. Hold it while talking to the Goblin blocking the path and players now have access to the Witch's house. Players should obtain a Void Mayonnaise, which is obtained by putting Void Eggs into a Mayonnaise Maker. Then, the statue will activate and fly away. Once the dark talisman is obtained, go back to the railroad area and use the obtained talisman on the statue that is blocking the entrance. By reaching the end of the cave, a chest can be seen and the talisman is inside it. Have high relationship with Krobus, the shadow that lives in the sewersįirst, when players have high relationship level with Krobus, they can obtain the Dark Talisman, which opens the entrance to the Witch's Swamp in "Stardew Valley." After that, since Krobus put the talisman in a cave, filled with mutant grubs that damages the players and evolves into flying insects, players should equip the strongest weapon. However, one obstacle must be overcome to progress through the main quest-opening the seal or moving the statue that is blocking the entrance to the Witch's Swamp. Since he cannot face her wife, the players are tasked to return the Magic Ink. A scenario plays, where the wizard, Rasmodius, asks for help in returning the Magic Ink, which is in possession of his ex-wife, the Witch. Another branching story will emerge as soon as the player goes to the railroad area, near the hotsprings on the hilltop. "Stardew Valley" is not finished when player completes the Community center.